Getting things done

I Collect everything in IN

Everything has to go to either the white table or an email inbox.
Every other action item that is not in one of those two places needs to be put there.

II Process the items one at a time

Don’t get distracted: Handle the first item and don’t put it down until processed!

  1. What is it?
    What does this mean to me?

  2. What is the end goal?
    What do I want to be true about this?
    What would be a successful outcome?


    1. You don’t know what you want
    2. You don’t know how to get it
    3. Solution: Make stuff up and make it happen!
  3. What is the next (physical and visible) step? Decide!

    1. Do it now
    2. Delegate it
    3. Incubate for later (“Someday Maybe”)
    4. Put it on a project list
    5. File it for reference

III Organize & Prioritize the project/task list

Make sure you have a filing system, calendar, and places for the “someday” list.
Order the list by priority and indicate context, energy, and time required.

IV Periodically review the task list and the Someday Maybe pile

Once per week see what needs to move from one list to another.

V Do it

Based on your available time, energy, and priority, choose what tasks to do and do them.

There is much more in the book/CD but this is the main process.
[Getting Things Done is a great book by David Allen]