Overall Life Priorities (in order):
Who: God, Self, Family, Friends, Work, Church, Community, World.
Dimensions: Spiritual, Mental, Social, Physical, Financial, Career, and Recreational.
1) Integrity:
My life is characterized by integrity, truth, good character, responsibility, and faithfulness. I live my values. I spend my time in proportion to my values. I have a sense of purpose and vision of what I am and will become. I set both long and short term goals. I demonstrate determination in the obtainment of these goals. I limit personal paradoxes. Each of my acquaintances could describe me in the same way given equivalent exposure to me. I do what I say and say what I do.
I know, learn, understand, and actively support truth. I examplify honesty and encourage honesty in others. I live in agreement with true principles. I listen and respond to my conscience often. I am entirely trustworthy. I encourage trust and trustworthiness in others. I value the amassing of accurate knowledge.
I Proactively assume appropriate disciplined responsibility. I focus on the important, not just the urgent. I take diligent productive action in every area of my life before being forced to by circumstances and people. I consider the various aspects of a problem before proposing a solution. I plan for the future. I use my time, money, and knowledge wisely. I consider the way I affect others.
2) Love:
I love God, others, and myself. I evidence love in word, action, and an investment of time. I seek to love and be loved appropriately at all levels (Agape, Storge, Phileo, Eros). I allow myself to experience the fullness of love spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. I obey God (John 14:15). I am friendly and make it easy for others to either become my friend or my cordial acquaintance. People would characterize me by selflessness, consideration, and compassion.
I respect others for the good that they are and do. I desire to be respected on the same terms. I treat others how I would like to be treated. I give credit where credit is due. I am careful to be courteous and deferent in thoughts, words, and actions. I value punctuality and politeness.
I value free flowing ideas, and openness. I communicate what is appropriate and encourage others to do the same. I pray frequently. I seek others' input in decision making. I give my opinion and advice to others when valuable to them. I seek to remove from my life obstacles prohibiting others from communicating with me.
I complement, encourage, and praise what is praiseworthy. I add value in most situations. I smile. I speak calmly, rationally, cheerfully, and kindly so that arguements are rare and short.
3) Competence:
I am competent and versatile in all I value and pursue. I choose to grow in competence - Stagnation has no place in my life. I continuously improve in every area of my life.
I expand my knowledge through discussion, reading, training (formal and informal), and by alertly retaining the life around me. I stay aware of my situation (ignorance is usually bad). I keep imformed socially, politically, financially, technologically, and environmentally.
I expand my experiences and memories by trying new things, seeing new sights, and traveling to new places. I spend time with interesting people and glean from their experiences. I seek the counsel of the Bible and Godly people.
Abilities & Skills:
I grow in abilities by learning and trying new or better ways of doing things. I take time to practice the skills I am developing. I value self-sufficiency and independence. I carefully discern circumstances and people.
I value high quality in everything I do, say, buy, and support. High quality permeates my attitudes, actions, phrases, and belongings. I work, play, and live efficiently.
I value order in most of life. Belongings should be arranged and in their place. Information should be easy to access. I keep some kind of organized calendar of events/commitments. I spend the time necessary to prioritize my life where appropriate. I keep my appearance clean and orderly.
4) Wholeness & Health:
I keep my body and mind healthy. I avoid sickness, chronic aggravation, and unsanitary conditions in my living, my appearance, and my environment. My eating habits evidence good nutrition. I value coordination, strength, flexibility, and endurance and seek to possess these attributes to the degree that best serves my lifestyle. I maintain a regular fitness plan. I involve myself in sports. I take time to relax, reflect, and meditate. I moderate the stress level in my life. I assure my actions are safe and not unnecessarily risky . I maintain balance physically, mentally, and emotionally. I live at peace with God and others. I maintain correct self-esteem and encourage the same in others.
I conserve natural and social resources where reasonable. I encourage and support environmentalism in it's reasonable forms. I respect nature and do not abuse or misuse it.
5) Empowerment:
I empower myself by God, my surroundings, my workplace, my thoughts, my friends, and any other influence I allow into my life. I develop confidence, energy and enthusiasm. I inspire others. I encourage my values and invest in others. I empower others to take action in their circumstances, realize their potential, and solve their own problems. I avoid power plays and the seeking of power for it's own sake.
I give of myself to God and others from my belongings, money, time, efforts, forgiveness, and trust. I teach people my knowledge, beliefs, and abilities. I give good advice.
Freedom (the empowerment to choose options):
I seek freedom in most forms for myself and others. I stay free from bondage to people, lifestyles, habits, and sins. I stay free from unnecessary debt, obligation, or control. I value freedom to travel where and when I want.
Wealth (Financial empowerment):
I seek to be wealthy as a general financial direction. I act responsibly in my finances by how I spend and save my money. I tithe, and give to God above a tithe. I seek to be financially independent. I assure a financially secure retirement. I give generously, not miserly, where appropriate to give. My possessions appropriately reflect my level of wealth. I don't love money but use it as a powerful tool to live out my values and goals and empower others to do the same.
6) Enjoyment:
I seek pleasure, comfort, and fun in my lifestyle with moderation. I make my life fun. I take specific time to be lighthearted, relax, and "play". I make people laugh at times. I choose "fun" over money when practical. I value programming, telephony, imaging, electronics, and gadgets because they are fun. I allow life to affect me. I stay sensitive to the joys and sorrows of life in myself and others. I cry and laugh when appropriate.
I value beauty in all I see, hear, touch, smell, and taste. I seek to be beautiful in appearance, countenance, attitude, and word choice. I maximize aspects of beauty in each area of my life and my surroundings.
I value creative and aesthetically pleasing things, places, and people. I seek a creative solution in the way I handle decisions, problems, and relationships. I use creativity to add humor and flexibility to circumstances. I value a creative unique style in art, music, conversation, and personality. I cultivate my imagination. I innovate.